The guide of a pilgrimage, if done in a group, must know how to “herd cats”, as they say in the USA: difficult to have them all together in the same place and time, difficult for them to follow the same direction and for us all to be on time. This is quite common, but it must be said that the Regis High School Denver group did not meet this expectation and not only behaved with conscience and order, but they were also one of the fastest groups to complete the Ignatian Way, reaching Manresa “fresh as a rose” as they say in Spain. Youth helps, but also the determination to reach the end fulfilling their dream of being the best group of pilgrims in history. Hard to say, but maybe they did. June 2022 was hot and demanded a lot from the pilgrims. You had to see Annika’s flushed face, or Sophia’s comment “I felt so miserable in that sun!”. The group cohered well, although the tendency of girls with girls and boys by their side was also noticeable. The team of accompanying teachers introduced the meditations and reflections that helped the students to keep their personal diary and mature throughout the pilgrimage. When the blisters appeared, it was necessary to think of auxiliary aids such as the taxi that could lighten the suffering a little, both on the feet and on the knees. Once again, the gastronomy, the local history linked to Saint Ignatius and the visits to the Ignatian sanctuaries offered an incomparable framework for personal transformation. Again, the Way showed its stimulating force for personal growth in high school students. AMDG!