With the Jubilee Year 2022 of the Ignatian Way over, many things remain for the future, such as the two films on the Way and the publications that help to understand the meaning of the Ignatian pilgrimage. To highlight one more collaboration, which comes from the Catalan administration:
“In the framework of the commemoration of the Jubilee year 2022, from the General Directorate of Religious Affairs and the commissioner of the Commemoration in Catalonia we have tried to give the maximum national relief to this event that has had the Company of Jesus and the Manresa city.
We have tried to accompany them in their acts and actions and we have also wanted to make a direct contribution to the commemoration. In this context, we think it would be good to make a modest contribution to the work that the Ignatian Way Office, the city of Manresa and all the Catalan municipalities of the Way and the General Directorate of Tourism of the Generalitat are doing to promote this path. of pilgrimage that should help extend the relationship of the saint with our country to the whole world.
For this reason, we have made a short interactive film about Ignacio’s passage through Catalan lands 500 years ago in two versions: as an interactive game and as a video. The film also has subtitles in Spanish and English. You will find all of this on the website of the Ignatian Year. We hope that this product will serve to make the Camino and its towns reach more people and to consolidate the presence of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Catalonia.”