CLC from USA living the experience 1522-2022

One of the groups of Christian Life Communities (CLC) from USA, guided by Fr. Hung Pham sj. dared to walk the Ignatian Way last May-June. 15 Vietnamese pilgrims were ready to follow the Jubilee 500 years although the temperature was announced very high. Waking up as early as possible and not walking too long distances was the secret formula in order not to get toasted by the Spanish Sun. History and Ignatian Spirituality were the spinal cord of this pilgrimage. As a true seekers of the inner world, they combined the silent walk with the liturgies presided by Fr. Hung sj with moving songs singed in Vietnamese language. Starting in Loyola, as it is always recommended, and ending in Manresa with two days of meditation, the 12 days of pilgrimage just flowed without notice and they found themselves asking for a longer experience next time. One interesting thing: they tried the more difficult way in Montserrat, which added some excitement to that step approaching the monastery. Going to Arantzazu and Montserrat, to see the same images that Ignatius saw 500 years ago was exciting, feeling connected with the Pilgrim that started this new Way in 1522. And the dinner at Jorba pilgrims’ hostel was, as always, most celebrated. We have to confess the hardest moment only two km before arriving to Manresa, under the extreme heat: some pilgrims they thought they couldn’t make it!! But everyone did it! God is great!

“This Camino Ignaciano is our dream come true! To know Ignatius of Loyola!”